Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ohio: Part 1 (Krohn Conservatory)

Yeah, so, I'm incredibly behind. These are from about a month ago when I was working briefly in the Cincinnati area. My sister (that's her up there) and I went to the Krohn Conservatory for their Japanese Butterfly exhibit. We started out in the desert room - actually it was called something about bugs, but the desert plants are beautiful.

Next up, the orchids! Gorgeous!

Then, finally, the butterflies!

They had cocoons set up (on the other side of a very dirty window) so patrons could watch the butterflies emerge. Further on, a room full of butterflies flitting around (mostly dodging unruly little kids chasing them with fake flowers). Not the most-photo-friendly atmosphere, but I did mange to fend off kids (and some overzealous parents) long enough to get a few shots.

I love butterflies, but this exhibit was a bit on the disappointing side due to the set-up and lack of number and variety of butterflies. I had a much better time shooting at The Butterfly House in St. Louis a couple years ago. It's not a shock that their area was set up better though, since butterflies are what they're all about. Being more "in" the exhibit lended itself to better photographic opportunities. I recommend anyone in/near St. Louis in the summer to check them out!

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