Monday, April 18, 2011

At long last...

Proper pictures of my Salem Hooded Jacket!

But first, a better shot of the hat I finished a few days ago:

and a glimpse of the sweater. =) I do like how the color seems to swirl in the opposite direction of the textural swirl. Nice combo of yarn and pattern. I love when that works out!

Okay, you've waited long enough. I'll show you the whole sweater:

my first fully completed sweater

I love the ribbon detail:

my first fully completed sweater

And I can vouch for it's warmth! wow. So not the day to stand around outside in a wool sweater and hat!


  1. Thank you! I do love it. =) My mom keeps commenting how much she likes it and how great the color is. No chance it's getting passed on though. heh

  2. Oops... daughter was still signed in, thus a deleted comment... LOVE the sweater! The ribbon is the icing on the beautiful purple yarny cake :-)

  3. Yeah, it's a nice extra detail. This sweater is why I asked the library to get this book. Finally finishing one makes me want to start another!

  4. The hat is great and the cardigan looks fantastic! My husband gave me the New England Knits book for Christmas (I adore knitting books!) and that is one of the items I loved. It is great to see it on someone. (I came across you via Sassafrass' blog).
